You May Be a Bit Schizotypal ...
A bit odd and socially isolated.
You couldn't care less of what others think.
And some of your beliefs are a little weird.
Like that time you thought you were Jesus.
What Personality Disorder Are You? yep this is definately me. i mean they were sooo right! NOT!
i am jesus who do they think they are?
i'm writing like that rob/alex kid in that Rob&Sarahdotcom book. teehee i'm trying on all these different personalities because lets face it... i don't know who i am. i don't know what i want. i just want to be recognized. why do i feel so ignored lately? why do i feel shut in and tied down? i just want to run around screaming that i'm me and that's all. i'm only 16 ...i'm only 16. with the brain of a smart 4 year-old. don't let that throw you off. i feel like a clone or just a faceless nobody rambling aimlessly through the crowd of people. i'm still stuck over here waving my hands in the air. i don't want to be alone but i don't want to be surrounded. i don't want to be touched, but then again that's what i need. i need to hear real voices not the ones in my head. i'm having a break down and no one is here to witness it.
i am now a varsity cheerleader.