and wanted to do one too
You are Silver Pegasus type, who looks active, and gives an impression of being a tom-boy.
Nyahahaha... ahem.. "looks active" *nods* I just look active... but really I'm not.. ><
You are extremely cheerful and good natured.
I don't know about "extremely" cheerful.. but then again.. ppl do say I always sound too happy when I pick up the phone... @@. but yay! good natured ^^
You can easily get emotional and start crying, you are rather too soft hearted.
*cough* I do... I'm an emotional wreck... like YOOCHUN... LOL which is why I'm meant to be with Junsu.. *rolls eyes* why is it that everything ends up revolving around them?!?! even when this is about me? *le sigh*
Also, you are very obstinate and simple minded.
I am quite obstinate.... although I don't know about simple minded... sometimes I do tend to be simple minded... I guess *slightly insulted*
You easily give up on things and have weak will power to finish what you have started.
NYAHAHAHHAHAHA... *wipes tears* oh how true... it's bad.. really.
You tend to be sarcastic and critical, but on the other hand, you can show great devotion and dedication.
Wow! that's funny... and true... *whispers* this thing is scary! *whispers*
Your attitude lacks steadiness, and is always changing.
I try not to be... *bats puppy eyes*
no... really... *angry face*
OH lookie.. it's true... (<------ oh great.. it's the sarcasm showing! Apparently this thing predicts the future too)
You always worry about what the other people are thinking and can be bit too sensitive.
But you are a person who naturally becomes a center of everything.
EH!?!?! since when have I "naturally" become a center of everything? that's just mindboggling... although I gotta admit that's pretty cool... XD
Your fast movement earns people's respect.
OOH.. watch out now!
You have a natural born leader type of talent.
well I'm happy about this one... =) because *snaps finger and cocks head* nobody messes with me!
Okay... I should never do that again... *nods*
You will struggle on the contradiction between your ideals and real world.
HAHAHAHAH... this thing is so true it scares me... although it scares me... but then at least I'm not in denial! i guess....
You may end up doing something beyond one's imagination, so you must try to have self-control.
Not completely understanding what this means... help?
If you are opposed by someone, and although you know that they are right, you can not take it in easily.
You will be more successful if you can try not to go against people around you.
I try! I try to take it well.. and I think i'm getting better at it... but deep down... it's true.. *head down in shame*
You tend to give too much attention to your family than to your lover.
This may cause a trouble in that your lover may feel jealous about you being too affectionate to your family than to him.
You should not force your convenience to him, and try to give him more affection.
I always said that if my parents don't approve of the guy I'm going out with then it won't work out... lol
but I didn't think it would be that bad.
then again.. I don't have a lover so I wouldn't know... would I? *wink*
You are more suited as a career person than to stay at home.
But once you get married you will take care of your family with great affection.
And that's what I've always believed about myself....
but YAY I'll still take care of my family with great affection... AND!!! it never said that I have to compromise my career for it! *excited*
whoa.. I have to say.. this thing is crazy freaky.. but then uber cool at the same time.. I'm a silver pegasus! take that!
I wonder if someone has the same thing as me..
like is it personalized according to like.. day or something?
*goes off and plays with the site*
OOH! and just because I want to spam with gorgeous pics I obtained from lj.. and thankies for ppl for uploading them *bows*
so credit to you all..
because he's junsu... duh.. ><
Damn I never thought I'd see someone look so good with that outfit and those glasses and that drink... *dies*
IT"S SOOO CUTE!!!! my two fave members!!! although I actually would squeal more if it was like jaeho or yoosu *nods*
which is why I have a yoosu here... I want more yoosu-centric bonjour paris pics! *pouts*
I want to be that motorcycle.... nuff said.
I think this is my fave jaeho pic so far... at least one of my faves.. cos I have so many.. *dies*
I fail.. I really want that photobook.. but I can't afford to buy another thing cos I have a bad conscience...
why the hell does it have to be 90 bucks!??!?!
By the way.. it's thanksgiving break! I'm going up to my friend's place again for it.. ^^
pero yo quiero pasar Thanksgiving con mi propia familia...
( I wonder if the grammar is still correct.. XD it's been so long since I've taken spanish... *cough* and by the way.. I said "but I want to spend Thanksgiving with my own family" <--- cos I don't really know what thanksgiving is.. I think it's like "dia de accion de gracias" to be literal.. like the day of thanks... @@)
I hope that sentence is correct... *now I'm getting self-conscious about my spanish ability... that is deteriorating..*
sigh.. i fail
OH.. so I saw the performance of suju's marry u...
and it's funny cos umm... it fits into my whole fantasy ideal proposal (again this goes into the quiz thing and how it says I have troubles distinguishing the ideal world with imagination...)
And I would love it if the guy sings this.. ^^ it's cute! (cos I also read the translation)
RIGHT.. and now I'm off to sleep even though it's only 10 pm cos I'm gonna wake up uber early tomorrow to drive so I avoid as much traffic as posible...
^yes I meant posible... cos I'm getting into my spanish mode
just in case you don't know.. my friend... whose house I'll be spending thanksgiving at is mexican.. with a whole mexican family.. who speaks spanish... and for the past 2 years I've been getting along with them because they were happy and amazed that an asian girl like me understands 30-40 percent of what they're saying...
boo ya!
so now i'm trying to get spanish back... si!
adios amigas! adios y buenas noches
(how do you put accents when typing btw? <--- random question of the day.. actually it's been a random post *nods*)