
Feb 06, 2019 10:53

I got hit by a nasty cold for like two weeks, which is only just starting to clear up. Unfortunately kind of threw a wrench in some of my Katsucon plans because I spent a while either asleep or curled up on my sofa with a box of tissues, but it's not the end of the world. Ended up not doing anything new as a result but I'm doing some long-overdue upgrades to some older stuff instead, and making the wings for Andy's Yue costume.

A follow-up to my earlier Gmail griping: I realized that part of the problem was that I was blindly forwarding all the mail from my address to my gmail account, which included both AO3 notifs (because I set that up on my domain address ages ago) and a LOT of spam. So I spent a few hours on one of my sick days setting up SpamAssassin on tokyo-tower, as well as changing my postfix configuration from the default to one that restricts really bad emails from getting through. I'm still checking my spam folder for stray AO3 notifs but it seems to have solved the problem.
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