One more round of meme-questions...

Dec 30, 2018 13:17

December 25 → a photo of you and your family

(okay, I'm being a little silly, because I don't have any good photos of me and my human family scanned right now, though Storm is the family I see every day)

December 26 → talk about politics or current events this year

December 27 → 3 goals for next year
1) Ten levels on WaniKani
2) Some sort of strength training at least once a week.
3) Leave more comments on fics!

December 28 → your plans for New Years Eve
Read fanfic, have a drink, watch the ball drop in NYC on a livestream, and then go to sleep. Pretty low-key, but after a week of visiting relatives I need a break.

December 29 → talk about things you are excited for next year
Conventions, as always! Doing some landscaping in my back yard next summer. May be going up to Montreal in the summer to visit my brother? We will see.

December 30 → a list of what you got for your winter holiday
Books and stuff for my house! And some of the books are stuff for my house, heh. My mom also got me a vintage step tansu which is six feet tall and thus not at my house yet, but it's in her's right now and it's absolutely lovely.
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