Boys Este #8 J-dorama review (contains spoilers)

Sep 03, 2007 00:18

So comes finally the big revelation (which wasn't really a revelation for me since I had read the prequel to Boys Este. Shizuka finally decides to try to give up on Hibiki, even though her heart obviously still belongs to him, as does Hikibi's to her. Its just misunderstanding after misunderstanding piling up between the two of them. But now when it's clear to everybody at Boys Este that Shichiri is seriously considering dating Shizuka, his beforementioned lover turns up. But he doesn't really just pop up, because he was there all along. Yes, you guessed right: Its Kitsuma! Yay! says the fangirl in me. What?! says poor Shizuka, who didn't have a clue. Shichiri actually mentioned that he had a "koibito", which means a lover or someone you have a romantic relationship with (I'm pretty sure the "sexual relationship" is heavily implied in the word as well). He mentioned that his lover was walking around with another man, and it was implied that he was following them because he expected that his lover was being unfaithful. He also mentions in episode 8 that he and his current lover only keep hurting each other, and that he's had it.

Looking back, Shichiri has never specified what sex his lover is, and since "koibito" is used for both men and women, it was Shizuka herself who naturally thought that Shichiri was talking about his girlfriend. It had me fooled as well, because I remembered it as Shichiri being the one who said "girlfriend". So aparently the two have stayed together even after High School, but things have gone sour. This brings a whole new dimension to Shichiri's flirting with Shizuka, because it means that he didn't just do it in front of his old boyfriend, but his current one! Its easy to see why Kitsuma spends this episode being so pissed off with Shichiri. I guess he finally figured out that Shichiri was serious about Shizuka.

Of course, Kitsuma won't just stand there looking stupid while Shizuka (involontarily) steals his boyfriend, so he brings Hibiki with him to the restaurant where Shizuka and Shichiri are having their more or less first boyfriend/girlfriend date in order to crash it. Both Shizuka and Hibiki are shocked at the revelation of who Shichiri's lover is, but Shichiri turns down Kitsuma and runs off with Shizuka. I guess Kitsuma wasn't really prepared to get dumped like this, and when Hibiki, who has been courted by a head hunter from another spa, a few minutes later tells him that he wants to quit his work at Boys Este, he really gets shaken up.

All in all, this was the best episode yet. Shizuka is getting quite good at being Shizuka, and even though Hibiki got the most screen time in this episode, I hope that the focus will be back on her next time. I thought the whole love triangle (which by now is a pentagon) played out really nice! And Kitsuma's actor has again surprised me with his acting. Poor guy was stuck as a side character up until now.

Judging from the next episode preview, there will be lots of fist fights (most of them involving a seriously shaken Kitsuma), a few hot dates between Shizuka and Shichiri, and hopefully a few kisses as well ...

I think I'm going to watch the Boys Love movie (yes, its called "Boys Love") next, because Shichiri's actor actually plays one of the parts in it. Typecasting? XD

This episode contained:

Love triangles: 10
Slimy head hunters: 7
Gay-ness: 5 (a hug and a coming out "light" scene)
Cute squealing from Shizuka: 5 (She should do that more)
Eye candy: 10 (These guys are so much cuter than the ones in Hanazakari no Kimitachi e)

Ah, I just don't know how I'm going to survive until the next episode!

boys este, bisexual, souko masaki

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