First, write down the names of 12 characters. Then read and answer the questions. You can't look at the questions (or click on the cut) until you write down the 12 characters you're going to use.
1. Kikumaru Eiji (PoT)
2. Syaoran (TRC)
3. Yusuke (YYH)
4. Ryuichi (Gravi)
5. Tohru (Furuba)
6. Kazuki (Get Backers)
7. Chiriko (FY)
8. Oishi (PoT)
9. Alfred Ashford <3 (RE)
10. Rockman.EXE (R.EXE)
11. Zero Enna (P.C.)
12. Lloyd Irving (ToS)
1.) Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic? Do you want to?
Kazuki/Zero... I don't think I ever will
2.) Do you think Four is hot? How hot?
Dur. Ryuichi is hot o-o
3.) What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant?
Lloyd got Oishi pregnant XD *DIES* Hell would freeze over
4.) Can you rec any fic(s) about Nine?
I read part of one T_T
5.) Would Two and Six make a good couple?
Syaoran and Kazuki? Uhhh.... Umm.... Well.... I guess...? But not really....
6.) Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why?
Tohru/Ashord or Tohru/Rockman... OMG Tohru/Ashford! She could so dominate him :D
7.) What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex?
Chiriko walks in on Syaoran and Lloyd. Trauma definatly
8.) Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fic.
can anyone say this makes no sense? But it's hillarious :D R/R BITCH
9.) Is there any such thing as One/Eight fluff?
Eiji/Oishi... SEME!Eiji! XD *DYING* Oh of COURSE not XD GOLDEN PAIR <3
10.) Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic.
Chiriko/Lloyd ... "It's okay that you're dumb."
Deathy: :D "Falling grades"
Blacky: "I'll be your tutor :D" omg
11.) What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four to deflower One?
Ryuichi deflowers Eiji? *CRIES*
12.) Does anyone on your friends list read Seven slash?
13.) Does anyone on your friends list read Three het?
Yusuke het? .... Maybe?
14.) Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven?
Deathy has o_o
15.) Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five?
Syaoran/Ryuichi/Tohru ... Tohru so pwns Ryuichi! XD
16.) What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion?
17.) If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, which song would you choose?
Oishi. "Momma"
18.) If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warnings be?
Eiji/Kazuki/Lloyd ... M/M/M, kink, PWP, Trauma, Shota,
19.) What might be a good pick-up line for Two to use on Ten?
"I'll jack you in ;3"
20.) When was the last time you read a fic about Five?
Three years ago?
21.) What is Six's super-sekrit kink?
22.) Would Eleven shag Nine? Drunk or sober?
Zero/Ashford. Totally! Everyday before brunch... SOBER
23.) If Three and Seven get together, who tops?
Chiriko is SO seme! ... Yusuke DOI O_O
24.) "One and Nine are in a happy relationship until Nine suddenly runs off with Four. One, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve, then follows the wise advice of Five and finds true love with Three." What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who might read it. Name one person who should write it.
"Eiji and Alfred are in a happy relationship until Alfred suddenly runs off with Ryuichi. Eiji, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Zero and a brief unhappy affair with Lloyd, then follows the wise advice of Tohru and finds his true love with Yusuke."
"Broken Hearted Kitty" Nobody XD Blacky just said she would though XD
25.) How would you feel if Seven/Eight was canon?
Chiriko/Oishi. I would jump off the tallest building in the world and land on my eyeball.