Mar 13, 2008 12:46
since i last wrote...heres whats happened:
i went to liz's party.....i kinda had a crummy time, alot of her highschool friends were made me realize some mistakes ive made and to be honest im not to pround of...i enjoyed talking to one of her new friends(post high school) but that wasnt enough to keep me from meeting up with alex& erik...
good lord was i not prepared for an "international party"
well i was prepared for the broken english
but i was not prepared to be @ a party surrounded by italian models.....serioualy? how did i do that?
too bad im too chicken to really strike up decent conversation...
i also found out more about the stitch with still dissappointed...but i still like her...and she still likes thats something...maybe after getting to know me better she'll want me over him...maybe not...but i have no intention of not talking to her or also not going to try and break them up....if being me wins her over...then cool! if not...meh...that'll suck...cause shes freakin awesome...
ali will prolly tell me to not bother....casey doesnt see anything different between this and some other situations ive been involved in (i.e. her: when she had a boyfriend and i finally got my head out of my ass and decided i wanted her...)
point is i like her, she likes me, and were gonna continue to hang out...if something be happy..if be kinda bummed (ok pretty bummed, cause theres def. something here.....just a speed bump in finding out just what that something may hold)...
i also picked up smash bros brawl.....between sam and that ive not been
tuesday i went to ct....apparently i got thrown out of "my house" but, the silly thing is i dont live there....she left a NASTY voice mail about how shes going to hire a contractor....but shes forgetting the biggest problem with that..she said shes going to charge not legeally i dont see how this affects me...other than in her more wondering if she'll really bring my shit to the really like my desk and
and my board games and my bottle of rum...
meh....thats all replaceable stuff...
i got my pictures that were on my wall...those wernt replaceable...
i did laundry today...i have clean
thats really it...theres a new secret lives! cd...its pretty good...nothing noteable...but catchy and more of the same from them...(basically not breaking any molds, but not bad by any stretch)