this is what boredom(?) causes

Aug 06, 2003 21:27

1) First Grade Teacher: 1st time= Mrs. Swenson 2nd time=Mrs Lacillaid
2) Last word you said: "on"
3) Last song you sang: my ass is like whoa.
4) Last person you hugged: mimi
5) Last thing you laughed at: the frosting on my cousins cake
6) Last time you said I love you: a little bit a go
7) Last time you cried: couple days or so
8) What's in your CD player: a mmix
9) What colour socks are you wearing: negative
10) What's under your bed: stuff
11) What time did you wake up today: 8:47
12) Current taste: muffin
13) Current hair: nasty
14) Current clothes: a shirt and tha thong ( its hott in hurr)
15) Current annoyance: my boss
17) Current desktop picture: green abyss
18) Current worry: no worry
19) Current hate: er
20) Story behind your LJ username: lyrics
21) Current favourite article of clothing: naked
22) Favourite physical feature of the opposite sex: hurr.eyes.
23) Last CD that you bought: i forget
24) Favourite place to be: AC
25) Least favourite place: work
26) Time you wake up in the morning: whatever time necessary to go to work, other than that about 1:00 in the afternoon
27) if you could play an instrument, what would it be: piano or harp
28) Favourite color: red.
29) Do you believe in an afterlife:sometimes
30) How tall are you: 5'1
31) Current favourite word/saying: thatll do
32) Favourite book: speak.the giver.
33) Favourite season: fall or spring
34) One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: you
35) Favourite day: non-work days
36) Where do you want to go: away
37) Type a line you remember from any book: sane in an insane world
38) A random lyric: love would never leave us alone
39) Identify some things surrounding your computer: papers, CD-RW's nail clipers, some food, a phone, pens....
41) What do you want to be doing right now?: sleeping peacefully
42) With whom? hoe
42) Favorite movies: the neverending story, donnie darko....
43) Who is your hero: daddy
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