ohh boy ohh boy.

Sep 20, 2005 20:26

gosh darnit let be quote erik [or how he refers to himself wind]:

"then there was steph. hmmm. she's the first none sluty girl i went out with. but u know what... u were way to immature. u don't really know how a relationship works. and then u dumped me the first time after what a week. bc u were afraid. then we went out again and that lasted what 2 weeks. then what u started to like a old bf who from my connections told me he's a dirt bad who treated u like crap and used u. hey how's that going anyway. last i heard u still like him and ur still not with him. and just one last thing but steph. thanks for fucking with my mind and emotions."

1) yes!! i'm not slutty but i knew this
2) i was 15 & fuck i'm way responsible & yes i act immature sometimes but hell what teenager doesn't.
3) okay i'm not good with relationships i'll agree.
4) and actually the reason i broke up with him is bc i was bored. i do that, get bored with boys. & i only went back out with him bc people said i didn't give him a chance
5) ohh that old guy im over and hes not a dirt bad. hes actually a nice guy. & didnt use me.
6) i probably did fuck with your mind just remember i do a number on my own mind. seriously.

But erik before you get off ridiculing others take a second and realize you need ti seek perfessional help.
thankyou & goodnight
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