Mar 22, 2008 13:05
Irony at it's best. When I had Daisy, I said I wouldn't get the Lepto vaccine for her because it caused her to have seizures. With Louie, the vet in DFW said a lot of strains of Lepto was almost eradicated in TX. This was in the city though. It is more common in the country though. Stephenville is considered the country, and so is Fruitvale (1 hour east of Dallas, where I got Louie)
Louie started becoming lethargic, not eating/drinking, and his gums became very pale and sticky. I took him to the vet thinking they'd just give him fluids, draw some blood, and he'd be fine. I'm glad I got the blood drawn. His liver enzymes are 40X their normal range. (the vet said though it's not how bad it is, it's how acute it is). and his white blood cell count is through the roof as well. And his kidney's aren't functioning either. (his pee smells like cat pee) The vet is still doing some diagnostic tests, but through Louie's urinalysis, they think he may have Lepto.
Honestly, I hope it is that, and not what we were originally thinking- a liver shunt. At least with heavy duty antibiotics and milk thistle if it is lepto he'll get better, and it's not chronic.
His breeder said he got into some stagnant water before I got him.
He's on 2 kinds of antibiotics, milk thistle, and adenosyl. And a low protien diet as well.
pray for Louie.