Oct 28, 2018 21:08
Look man.... idk what to tell you. I've been feeling really nostalgic for pre social media days when the internet existed but hot damn it wasn't everywhere in the same way. To me it feels like it's just to easy to consume media and it's harder and harder to respond to it. Plus, I sound like an old grandma but no one makes sense to me, the jokes aren't funny and I just want to chill in my corner.
And then I remembered - I have a corner! Hello, it's here :DThe thing is though, in the last two years since I made my last entry - I've grown SO much! It's really really good! I'm excited bout that! And yet I'm still working on crafting the life I want to live. Some of my dreams haven't changed but I have a better understanding of how to get there. Others, I'm still working on figuring out. But I know that despite my many desires and dreams, I have time to grow and I'm so grateful for that. It's such a blessing to live a life where I know I can be anything I want to be, and to make anything out of my life that I please. It's exciting and I'm looking forward to the next five years (when I'll be 29 nearly 30).
So don't mind me, here's the dreams I have for the next five years:
Dutch to a B2 level
Run a 5k and 10k race
Reach sub 85kg
Gain scuba diving certificate
Run a half marathon
Reach sub 70kg
Japanese to a B2 level
Run a marathon
Perform one piece on the violin in public
Move overseas to teach
Complete a triathlon
Set up an online art/hobby shop
Hit a bullseye on an archery target
Take piano lessons
Run a marathon in a foreign country