Title: Call Me But Love (2/7)
Rating: T
Characters: Ten/Rose, Jack Harkness, the Master, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, and many others.
nylana Genre: Romance, AU
Summary: Two households, both alike in dignity. Between dance parties, old movie theaters and the beaches of Verona, there develops the most famous love affair in history. However, there is
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LOL. It would be quite out of character for the Doctor if he didn't have his moment of cosmic angst, would it not ;)? It might be all sunshine and rainbows in the Verona!verse right now, but the other shoe is going to be falling soon... *cackles evilly*.
THIS THING WITH HIM AND ROSE< ACCCCKKKKK!!!!! *FLAILS* ....xD Is gonna be the Paris [character] of this story?!?Ohohoho, things with him and Rose are complicated to say the least. Saxon unsettles her and makes her nervous, but then at the same time, he's got that Master-y magnetism going on, so she feels quite torn. There's bits of Paris in there, definitely, and a lot of the Prince too, except with extra doses of crazy XD ( ... )
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NO NO OF COURSE NOOOT! D: I literally did a little clapping-dance thing in my seat when I saw you comment on professor_spork's entry - I was just happy and relieved that you were still out there, because I am a paranoid friend like that ;).
You can't have a Romeo & Juliet AU without a big fat other shoe to drop. I'm dreading it, and yet SO EXCITED OMGGGGGGGG.
INDEED! Hopefully it shall be worth the anticipation! :D
And you know, the dark side of me is a secret sucker for Master & Rose related things.
Me too, oh me too. The dark, twisted inner shipper in me is a total sucker for Master/Rose as well, ahahaha >:D.
You didn't answer my marriage question, lol. I see, I see. ;)
*whistles evasively* :D.
*huggles you tightly* ♥ ♥.
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*much frantic handwaving* OH OH, your S5 fics right?! I'm so sorry, it's just that, well, I actually just got caught up on S5 like, a week ago... *bows head ashamedly like the bad Whovian she is* So I was saving them for when I had finished the series, in case of spoilers and whatnot ;). Thank you so much for reminding me, bb! I shall be getting to them very promptly :DDD !
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Darling, as if I ever wouldn't be interested in anything you had to write! I love absolutely everything you produce with every fibre of my being :). I'm going to get to them tonight, I promise! ♥
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