This is a post I've been putting off for a long time. It'll never be enough, but it'll have to do.
Part 2 was everything it should've been and more - heartbreaking, gut-wrenching, and just beautiful. From the quiet conversations between Wilf and the Doctor ("I'd be proud" "Of what?" "If you were my dad"), the last, great Allons-y!, the truth coming out about the Time Lords... it was big, it was epic, and it was an unforgettable send off for an unforgettable Doctor.
BUT OH GOD, THE PAIN. When you realize it's Wilf who knocks, Wilf who will inadvertently kill the Doctor. And you can tell that the Doctor is just completely shattered, because even when he's throwing a fit he knows he'll save this adorable old man who wears two sets of reindeer antlers and helped him save the world, at the cost of his own life.
Wilf: Where are you going?
The Doctor: To get my reward.
I was hanging on pretty well too, up til that point - I broke down sobbing here, and only stopped so I could properly see him say goodbye to his companions. Martha/Mickey made me o__o (BUT - BUT TOM?!) but I was glad to see them still out there, fighting the good fight.
LOL JACK/ALONSO. Russell Toveeeeey ♥.
Donna's ending was one of those that you know will be unsatisfying, because there's just no possible way to get what it is you want. But she's happy, which is what's important, and the lottery ticket with the quid from her Dad was a really lovely touch.
And Rose. Oh, Rose. It was lovely and poignant and just really, really appropriate that she was the last person he should see before he regenerates, as he started with her and we started with her. And while this is all one long extended goodbye and the fact really, really starts to sink in here, there's something beautiful and comforting in the fact that you know she does have a good life, that she'll be meeting him for the first time again and over and over - soon, somewhere, sometime.
I felt a little like dying at this point, when he's about to collapse in the snow, and the Ood appears and the universe sings and I'm all "OH GOD PLEASE NOOOOO" - and he's shrugging off that jacket for the last time, and any second now -
"I don't want to go!"
Then - and then -
It's over.
And I still can't quite believe it.