i. Adelaide=THE SHIT. Seriously, this lady is the epitome of awesomeness. If we were to have any returning one-off companions from the specials, I would definitely have wanted it to be her over Lady Christina (Malcolm was pretty cool too though).
ii. The water monsters weren't quite as frightening as I thought they'd be. My one nit-pick about this episode would be the fact that the reasons behind the infection wasn't fleshed out more - though I heard there was a throwback to an Old!Who episode - but that was probably to leave more time to explore the much more terrifying plot line involving the Doctor and his deteriorating mental state.
iii. UM. I DON'T. I CAN'T. BUT.
TIME LORD VICTORIOUS? LITTLE PEOPLE?? I'M THE WINNER??? I'm pretty sure this tops 'Blink' as the scariest Who episode ever, and for very different reasons. Who needs the Weeping Angels when you have a vengeful Time Lord? The Time War has plagued the Doctor's every move for four seasons, and now he's suddenly calling himself the winner? At the cost of the extinction of his people? I'd be furious at Ten if I weren't reeling from how brilliantly they pulled it off. Really RTD, bravo. I was absolutely convinced this would be one of those 'TARDIS saves the day' episodes, and I totally had the rug pulled out from under me.
iv. He's cracked. Really, he is. I had a friend complain that it seemed all a bit too sudden, but in some other ways, I think this was a long time coming. He's seen a lot in his 900+ years, and I think Mars was the straw that broke the camel's back. It makes me wonder whether or not the craziness will carry onto Eleven...?
v. I think this really shows just how much the Doctor needs someone to ground him; while I doubt that a companion would've encouraged him to leave those people on the base to die, I really don't think it would've gone so far as to him throwing up his arms and going "TOUGH" and declaring himself the ruler of time, or whatever.
vi. This kind of, in a weird, perhaps sick kind of way, makes me feel slightly more okay about Ten regenerating. He's obviously in a great deal of emotional anguish, and maybe, in a way, it'd be like a release? He could let some of it go? I don't know. It's not that I want to see him go - far from it - but maybe that way he'd be... happier? Oh, my poor emo Ten *cuddles*.
vii. Speaking of Eleven, this makes me wonder what Steven Moffat's 'new-improved-super!Doctor' that we got a glimpse of in the Library episodes will be like. Obviously we have seen that while the Doctor is capable of a great many things, him becoming, or thinking he is, all powerful is not exactly a good thing. So does this mean more powertripping Doctor is on the way?
viii. THE CLOISTER BELL. Last time we heard that, it meant Rose was coming. Rose ;____;. I miss huuuuuur.
ix. Donna! Wilf! The Master is blond! And in an emo teenage hoodie/monk hood type thing! Yay! I'm excited :).
x. And so to end on a shallower note, and the number of my favourite Doctor now and always, no matter how crazy he gets: Lucy's hair looks really good :).