[art] the one in which Cas wears flannel and holds a baby duck (SPN; Castiel, baby duck; gen)

Dec 25, 2011 00:02

Title: the one in which Cas wears flannel and holds a baby duck
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: Castiel, baby duck; gen
Genres: art
Rating: G
Notes: The thought of Castiel wearing flannel in prosopopeya's "Sponsored by the Virginia Lottery" was just too much. Plus baby ducks. SO I HAD TO DRAW IT. Don't mind the fact that I was too lazy to draw his arm; just... focus on the baby duck. That's what's most important here. srsly. lol, it sort of ended up looking more like bb!John, but WHATEVER IT IS CAS OKAY.

[fandom] supernatural, [rating] g, @art, [char] spn: castiel, [status] complete, [pairing] none

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