Sep 13, 2015 11:46
Never did send that response. Read it over a few times, and had a friend look at it, and I have rewritten it a couple of times to make it less confrontational. I don’t know if I will send it. I want to stand up for Deaf people and correct the ignorance, but I have no intention of talking to this person again, regardless of their reply, if any, so not sure there is a point in sending my latest response beyond pride and idealism.
I posted the whole exchange on tumblr and a Deaf person started following me:) I scrolled thru their entries and they seem decent, so I followed back. It was a welcome sight after the rash of porn bots who have started following me.
Been reading A LOT of Daredevil on the Marvel Unlimited app. I started with the Brian Bendis run during the 1998 reboot, when Daredevil fell under the “Marvel Knights” banner. I have never liked DD, always considered him a boring rip off of Batman, but the 5 years worth of issues I have read in the past 2 weeks has been pretty great. Bendis sucks at writing X-Men but he is wonderful with DD.
The story arc I started with began with someone trying to out Matt as DD. It went to trial and he set up a way to keep his secret, but then, a year later, a newspaper accuses him of being Daredevil and things go crazy. It’s a really awesome story and I highly recommend it. I’ve been reading about 7 issues a day. I have slowed down and am on issue 70 right now.
Other than that, have not been reading much comics.
Caught up with all the X-Men and Avengers related stuff since House of M and am holding steady for a while before giving the 2013 reboot titles a try. After “Avengers vs X-Men”, Marvel started everybody over at issue 1 for the third time in 10 years. At least this time it coincides with a dramatic change in pace for the titles.
But unfortunately, that change in pace is due to the MCU movies. I hate it when that happens, but it’s just how Marvel and DC do business. A movie comes out, and they make subtle alterations to the corresponding comics to make them more like the movie.
Despite the comics being why the movie was made. It’s a slap in the face to the long time fans. Pushing us aside to try to bring in fans of the movies.
While I wait to jump into all the reboots, I gave Hawkeye’s solo book a try. I made it thru 3 issues before getting bored. The scripts are mosly cool, just not my style of story. Plus, I have been reading all about how Dedadpool shows up eventually and I wasn’t looking forward to that at all, so leaving the series was fine for me.
I HATE how Marvel has fucked Deadpool up by making him into some sort of ridiculous caricature of himself, but I won’t bore you with my opinions on that.
Gave the adaptations of the original Wizard of Oz books a try, but found them lacking. I am just not a fan of Oz, no matter who is writing about it.
Also tried the Jane Austen adaptations. An interesting idea, but not for me. I’d rather read the novels.
Marvel Unlimited seems to have all of the Dark Horse Star Wars series available, but I have not jumped in yet. I will eventually. I did read the first issue of the Marvel adaptation from 1977, and it was cute. Very old school and quaint. I have heard good things about it, like how it expands on the films with lots of stories and characters from rough drafts Lucas never visualized, and some original stuff. Looking forward to reading more.
Nothing much going on else wise. School is fine, dating is non existent, and I’m still mostly pathetic and useless. So, here’s to tradition.