Dec 26, 2014 20:57
Found some lottery scratch off tickets in the parking lot. Won $3.
Had some Star Wars action figures sitting in a drawer from an Ebay lot I won. Didn’t want them, so took them to a Target and returned them since it’s that time of year. Got $54 on a gift card. Considered buying toys, but was responsible and bought some socks, undershirts, and handkerchiefs. The kerchiefs were on sale, 3 for $3.50, and they are monogrammed with “P”, so sure, why not. Blowing my nose with tissue leaves fuzzy residue on my nose usually, and the microfibers can get up in my nose and make me sneeze for like minutes. So annoying.
Been listening to Madonna. File shared her discography and have worked my way from 1983 thru 2000 so far. Her debut album sucks. Songs are too long and over produced. Like a Prayer is her best so far, maybe True Blue. She jumped the shark with Erotica. That album is like her rookie album, but at least the lyrics are better.
Music came out in 2000, and it’s ok, but not really my thing. She dabbles with dance/electronic music and the results are not appealing. Overall, she has a great voice, if a bit grating at times; writes refined, meaningful lyrics that reflect a pensive, reflective, tortured mind; and has a strong understanding of structure when it comes to melody, backbeat, rhythm, and the rest.
She’s a great artist, but her overall sound is not for me. I think she relies too much on artificial enhancement and background noise, and fads.
We have these Girl Scout Barbie dolls at work. Barbie is dressed in pink jeggings, has a white Girl Scout blouse with green sash, and comes with a Girl Scout motto bag and three boxes of cookies. She’s also wearing a beret, I think. I sort of want one. It’s only $14.99…
Been trying to date again and it is going poorly, as usual.
Women just don’t dig me.