(no subject)

Dec 25, 2014 22:50

One of my half brothers got me a hat and some gloves for Christmas.  They don’t match, but I needed new gloves, so that’s cool.  The hat is light brown and I sort of hate brown clothes, so not sure I will wear it, but maybe.  Nice of him to think of me.  I couldn’t afford to buy anyone anything, but sent out a few cards to people whose addresses I have.

I didn’t know the Call the Midwife Christmas episode was coming on PBS tonight.  I assumed it would be shown in England, not here, so didn’t bother looking for it.  Found out 20 minutes into the episode, so didn’t watch.  Hopefully, it will be available on demand soon.

Watched the Doctor Who Christmas episode.  It was ok.  Not that interesting, and a letdown after how cool the season finale was, especially since I was expecting something darker and more sinister and possibly related to Missy.  But eh.  The whole of season 8 has sucked, so I shouldn’t be surprised.  I was also disappointed because Clara is staying.  The season finale had me thinking she was finally gone, but no, I am stuck with her for another year.  Sigh.

Last Christmas was spent with my friend Re and her roommates and their partners and we had an awesome little party where we cuddled and sang and danced to 90s pop music.  Before that, one of the roommate’s parents took us all out for Chinese food.  They were really generous people and it was a fucking great dinner and fun conversation.

2012, 2011, and 2010 were spent in Canada with my best friend Jason.  That is always a fucking grand time.  Amazing food, amazing comedy and shenanigans with him, and just wonderful.

2009 was spent here in Detroit, I think, feeling crappy about lots of shit.

2008 was in Atlanta.  Think I was at Laura’s house.  I posted here on LJ that I got a big bag of sour patch kids and I am pretty sure Laura bought me that.  Pretty sure Halley was already out of country, or at least not there at the house, but I barely remember 2009, let alone 2008.

Was I with Atlanta HP/N and M for 2008 and 2007?  Maybe.

Wherever I was, past Christmases have been much better than this one.  Friends and whatnot.  Re was with xir family and I was not invited.  Xe never invites me to family functions.  Don’t really have other friends here, just some acquaintances from school and a few from the Internet and none of them invited me anywhere so I was home watching TV and napping.

I still remember when Wheeler invited me out of the blue to his grandparent’s house for Christmas.  I was living with Jeanelle and Ryam so I guess that was 2006.  So kind of him, and his family.  I barely knew him, so makes it even more awesome.

Thanksgiving has been awesome because of friends, too.  My family is just sort of not good, so not many good memories with them.

Anyway, merry Christmas and hope everyone is safe and warm.

tv, christmas

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