OMG, SO MUCH NOM!!! I was looking for a pumpkin pie recipe because I love pie and I love pumpkin and it's not a food that comes automatically at the end of November like it does in USA so I don't think I've ever tried it but I do love pumpkin scones BREATHE and I found this website with SO MUCH DELICIOUSNESS I want to try it all! I want this Christmas to have delicious baking =D Cos srsly, the photos are so appetising, I just want to eat the pictures out of the screen.
Also, Merlin is love. It's so much fun ^_^ Must acquire the season 1 DVD at some stage. Maybe I can put that on my Christmas list! Damn, it's the time of year where I have to stop buying things for myself again. Never mind. I'm supposed to be saving money so I can move out in Jan anyway.