MJF WEEK: The Secret of my Success!

May 19, 2009 22:03

Okaaay, it's day two! And for your pleasure this evening, we have:


This movie had me laughing out loud, and I was a bit worried I was going to find it a bit awkward, in the cringey way that you go, "oh god, it's all about to go wrong." It wasn't like that. It was brilliantly entertaining, and even though you know it's all going to come out in the end, it's fun getting there.

It's about a small-town guy who heads to New York to be powerful in the business world, only he gets there, not to a nice little apartment and a good job, but to a dump of a room and unemployment. He has an "uncle" in NY so he goes to beg for a job, and gets one in the mailroom. But then there's a newly empty office and the phone of opportunity is ringing... Will he make it to the top? Will his mailroom boss catch him switching mailcart for suit and tie? Will he find love with a lovely financial advisor who also happens to be his uncle/boss's mistress? Who knows!? That's the mystery!

To get the negative out of the way first, the only thing I didn't like was the weird daydream sequence near the start when Brantley first sees Chrissy. Because seriously, what was that about? Him standing there watching her going round and round in the revolving door? Weird. Also- okay, two things, because that reminded me of the other thing- the 80s keyboard soundtrack, that's designed to make the edges go into soft focus. It was just kinda annoying, and I was wishing the composer had stopped to think a real piano might sound better.

Aaaand back to the good! Mike as Brantley was clever and quick and opportunistic without being sneaky or underhanded, and he was always li c kable. I also loved Vera, the boss's wife- the pool scene where she first seduces Brantley, with the Jaws feel to it? Genius. Complete with, "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water." Though, you can see he's wearing a flesh-coloured underthing when she pulls his trunks off. Boo. But if you didn't go back and watch it in slow motion (just to be sure, you understand,) you'd be less likely to notice.


I also liked how he was taking his clothes off a lot. I liked that his secretary liked that too. She pretty much summed this viewing experience up for me: "I was having fun on this job! You had all this energy, and all these crazy ideas... and you kept taking your pants off."

Favourite quote (that was a lot funnier in context): "That was a very expensive vase, you bitch."

Tomorrow: Life With Mikey. Which has Nathan Lane in it too!

Bonus screencap! Because I can.


Sooooo yeah. The boss was in a mood today, so it was one of those mornings where you just duck your head and wait for the storm to pass. It didn't matter what I was doing, she would have found something in it that she didn't like. There's never anything I can really say other than nodding my head and looking silly, because I can't explain because my explanations are inadequate, and apologies are all very well and good but they don't really help anything and you just end up sounding pathetic. So, just hold my breath, wait for the wave to wash over, and it'll be okay.

I do get a paid day off tomorrow though, because I have too much holiday pay accumulating and she can't afford to pay it out on top of my wages. So yay! Day off! Whee! Em and I are going to go and finally get a price for our tattoo, which will be good! Hopefully it won't be too much...

review, awesome, work, michael j fox, movies

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