Diary of a Bored, Internetless Girl

Oct 14, 2006 00:14

Diary of a Bored, Internetless Girl

Day Two, Wednesday 11 Oct

Was notified we shall in fact not have the Internet until Friday. Internal dispair. No Supernatural til Friday night!

Noooooooooo! *dispairs* But I shall do my best to live through this disaster.

Tune: Fire of Unknown Origin - Blue Oyster Cult

Did some doodling. Some of it didn't work out, and some needs more working if I wanna make it gooderer. I also am definitely gonna start the drafts for the comic I'd said I'd do. Definitely.

I'm sick of talking about sex with gay boys. Yup.

Tune: Dream a Little Dream - The Beautiful South

I'm contemplating doing some more writing, maybe a fic. Not sure. Dunno if I can yet. Maybe I'll just do some drawing.

Tune: No One Knows - Queens of the Stone Age

I've completed 2 maps on Heroes III, watched 3 eps of Supernatural, eaten 4 pieces of toast, started writing 2 letters, each about 5 pages, there are 12 stairs, and I have wandered around the house boredly innumerable times. Dear god, I am bored.

Everyone's sitting round in the lounge talking, so I spose its not soooo bad, except that they're talking about sex a lot. Never mind. I definitely won't miss the word "willy" when I go back to NZ. I can't even remember what I used to do when I didn't have the internet. I think I was younger then, with sisters to play with and a more fertile imagination.

Tune: A Word In Spanish - Elton John

Tune: Thunderbirds Are Go! - Busted

Yeah, I'm that bored I have nooooothing to doooooo. Oh! Gonna play Gamecube now. Thing to do!

Day Four

The guy's putting in the stuff! Internet! INTERNET! *reaches for it* I have to go for my interview in less than an hour. Neeeeervous... but it'll be okay. It will. Job! Need job! *reaches for it* Have to remember to brush my teeth before I go. Yup. I'm gonna fix my nails too, cos they look bad the way I did them. Yup.


Well I had the interview. We had to try and sell an item and I had everything all worked out in my head and then I got into it and I just went blank. Completely blank. I've never been great at improvising. It was like monologues in drama classat high school all over again. I'm not a salesperson but I'm sure I could sell things in a shop, so hopefully they see through my nervous public speaking exterior. It'd be different in a shop situation. But now I wanna hit myself in the head for forgetting what I was gonna say. Maaan. Psh. But I've been informed that I'm a hot foreign chick, plus I can work any hours, any days, starting whenever they want, making me super flexible. There will be a midnight opening on Dec 8th when the Wii comes out. That might be pretty interesting, going to work at midnight. I could totally do it.

But yes, that was that. I reeeeally wanna find out if I got the job or not so I can stop worrying about it.

And look! Internet! Wah-hey! and very very soon, my episode of Supernatural will be finished downloading and I'll be able to watch it and be happy. Cept the wireless for NTL sucks giant monkey balls. It hardly works at all, so I'm stuck downstairs in the lounge, attached to the wall by this blue ethernet umbilical cord. Maybe when I restart my computer it might work a bit better. Typically, it's Craig's computer that's the only one working properly with NTL, when with BT, his was the only one that wasn't. Wah-hey.

Only a few more minutes until my download is done! What can I fill up my time with, hmmm? write more meaningless babble in this extensive post? I better get loads of replies to make this all worthwhile. I'm making a lot of effort to communicate with you ungrateful wretches you know, sharing my life with the uncultured masses, making your meaningless existances that much more exciting solely due to the exciting twitterings of an unemployed (but not for much longer, fingers crossed) twenty-one year old girl who is living too far away from her mummy. Man I need to get out more. A lot more. Perhaps even I shall do some exciting things tomor-

Ding! Supernatural is ready! Bye!

job, babble

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