Jun 15, 2010 12:18
I need to find a better way to describe Jeriah, Matteen and Usurpateur better than "x-expy" or "lizard", especially Usurpateur. I've got a clear idea of what he's like, but I'm having trouble describing it cause my brain's still fried. Can't tell if that's the medication or whatever I have. Seriously, can't even play the sims. Ready to not feel like this no more.
Had a weird dream about trying not to run into a bouquet of axes, someone i-guess-drunkenly? arguing a point, and trying to find a cheap kitchen to keep in my sister's basement. Because I was hungry, and obviously nothing but an entire kitchen in someone else's house (which was made of blankets) would suffice. There was a weird hole in the floor to give us access to the food somehow.
Bored. wish I could find something that wasn't too hard to concentrate on that was still fun.