Current fics

Nov 20, 2009 14:18

Recently posted:

Doomsday Redux - Doctor/Rose auction fic for wiggiemomsi, Final word count: 2,265, Progress: Done!



Truth or Dare - Spike/Willow, Anticipated length: 4-6 chapters 5,000+ words, Progress: Chapter one posted



The Sum of Their Parts - Tencest/Rose auction fic for sassy_lion, Anticipated length: 4,000, Progress: Couple hundred words written.

Untitled - Chloe/Lex AU fic, Anticipated length: No clue, it just came to me and I started writing (like I need another fic idea), Progress: About 500 words so far.


Back-burnered (for now):

Untitled - Chloe/Lex future!fic, Anticipated length: 100,000+, Progress: Just over 60,000 words
I'm taking a break on this one. Nano is over and I've had my head wrapped up in this fic for so long now that I think I need to take a step back from it for a little while. That and I'm having some issues with the plot that I need to sort out before I can do anymore.

The Lake (working title) - Tencest/Rose auction fic for Igrace, Anticipated length: 4,000, Progress: Halfway done

Five Kinds of Forever (working title) - Five different ways the Doctor and Rose could have had forever, Anticipated length: Unsure, Progress: Less than a quarter

Untitled - Spike/Willow multi-chapter, Anticipated length: No idea, Progress: Lots of ideas, little written

Enough (working title) - Chloe/Lex multi-chapter, Anticipated length: No idea, Progress: Bits and pieces written

Pretty When You Cry (working title) - Chloe/Lex oneshot(?), Anticipated length: No idea, Progress: Little written

Untitled - Chloe/Lex multi-chapter, Anticipated length: No idea, Progress: Nothing written yet, just some plotting

Last updated: 12/11/2009

current fics

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