I went to the dentist today. It'd been 9 years since I had gone last. My reasons for this (read: excuses) were that I was in a different state, we didn't have dental until 2 years ago, I didn't have time for an appointment, etc etc etc... Basically, I only wanted to see my dentist. Then, since we've been home, I had been too lazy to schedule an appt. for me. The kids have all gone several times. Finally, as part of my New Year's resolutions, I made an appt. for myself. See, my resolution for this year is to focus on being as healthy as possible. Did you know that having dental problems can lead to heart disease? I was already taking immaculate care of my teeth since Easter last year, when I decided to floss EVERY SINGLE DAY as my Lent thingy. I before that, I would only floss like every 3-4 days.
Anyways, I just got back, and it'd went spectacularly! The dental hygenist kept talking about how clean my teeth were, how I had no "deposits", how my gums were measuring great, and how my wisdom teeth came in straight and wonderful. WHEW!!! No cavities, no lectures on anything, they didn't even know that I was a smoker for 7+ years!
Get this, though. They did a 360 xray of my teeth and found that my sinus cavities touch 6! of my teeth's nerves. Which means that when I have sinus problems THAT is why my teeth ache so badly. She said normally the sinus thingy doesn't touch the nerves, and when they do, it's usually only one or two teeth. UGH! No wonder. Anyways, so that went well.
I also
put highlights in my hair this weekend. Technically, my mom did them. ;) I dunno, I look basically the same, but it feels like something just a little bit different. So now I feel no real urge to go cutting my hair or anything silly like that.
Well, I'm going to go eat some lunch now and make up all the work that I missed. Later all.