My WTF Icon Just Gets Used More and More

May 02, 2008 15:20

The writing prompt on the home page today is "who was the last person to really make you mad?"  I think that's very appropriate, considering the comment I received on YouTube this morning.  You know that great line in Star Wars: A New Hope where Obi-Wan Kenobi says "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy?"  It's true of YouTube, except add in stupidity.  Funnily enough, YouTube is the reason I couldn't spell Obi-Wan.

As I have made painfully clear, I am a feminist and I am pro-choice, so this comment was an affront not only to me, but to the human race.  I commented on one of those awful "Diary of a Fetus" videos and the poster got really huffy and started into all that drivel about how no one has the right to kill their babies.  I replied, somewhat angrily that she doesn't care about women's rights.  She told me that she does indeed.  She told me that she believes women are sacred vessels and that pregnancy is sacred.

Um... do I win?

I'm not even going to touch the sanctity of pregnancy, as that is a matter of personal opinion, but the sacred vessel thing?  Crap.

I am neither sacred nor a vessel, okay?  I am a human being and I am more than my uterus.  This girl says she believes in women's rights, but what could be more objectifying than calling women, including yourself, a vessel?  Even if it is sacred.

My uterus is not sacred.  I like to call it Bob.  He's kind of a moron.  (And for all the slow people reading, that last line was sarcasm).

lifers, youtube, uterus, sacred vessel, feminism

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