this article.
"Plan B is a high dose of birth control pills. ... The FDA violated its standards when it made the high-dose Plan B available nonprescription to adults. But now the FDA is making the drug available to minors without parental consent," the Concerned Women for America, a Washington-based conservative Christian group, said Wednesday.
"Parents should be furious that the FDA is putting their minor daughters at risk," the group said.
First bisexuality is unfair and now contraception is dangerous. I really wish the United States would stop being so backwater.
I love, love, love how people like this complain that this pill has medical risks but then say that pregnancy, which has much more dangerous side effects, is a gift from God.
And screw parental consent. Teens can buy condoms. Teens and younger kids can buy disgusting food (usually schools give it to them, too) that will adversely affect their health for years. Teens are allowed to drive even though studies show that they are reckless when it comes to decision-making until they reach their twenties. If all of these things are legal, they should be allowed to make their own choices about sex.
ETA: A lot of the commentary is about Plan B possibly being used as a sort of reverse-DRD. *Headdesk*
No, let's not talk about the women who want to buy it. Let's focus on men.
Okay, so Plan B is not good because it means that our little girls can function biologically without us breathing down their necks and then their older boyfriends will use it to kill their beautiful God gifts and neither of them will put any thought into it because they're so horny.