Feels like summer

Apr 17, 2006 15:46

Hey all,

This quiz made me laugh:

Ryan --


Visually addictive

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

Anyway, It's certainly been a while since my last post. Too fricken busy. Recently however, I've been taking advantage of this fabulous weather. It feels like summer. Still doesn't look like it, but that will soon change. I'm looking forward to so much this summer. I think things will really start to take shape in May. May is going to be exciting, and very busy. I'm just trying to take things easy and get her done one dat at a time.

I think I've maximized the amount of living I can do today. On the weekend I finally decided to suck it up and work on my bike. She looks brand new, rides and feels like it too. (mmmm) So I HAD to ride it today. I decided to head up to the Falls of Fenlon. The trails were terribly wet in some places and it was really windy but I eventually made it there. I stopped to watch the falls and visited the locks as I always do. I got to thinking about people I'd like to see and things I want to do when I got home so I really wanted to book it back. I sprinted most of the way...and died, three times. This trip just showed me how out of shape I am and need to start training harder. But I plan on riding to the Falls every weekend and if anybody is interested in making the journey with me, let me know. I like company. My computer screwed up today while I was downloading music on my mp3 so I was only able to listen to the same 13 songs over and over. Not cool. I pulled out my map of the Kawartha Lakes and was really pleased to find exactly how far this trail reaches. I think one day soon, maybe not so soon, but one day...I'm going to ride to Kinmount (not back again). I'll stop at my cottage for the night. I just have so many things I want to do.

I really want to go to my cottage soon and open it up and put the dock in. I just have the craving to go sailing. The wind is splendid, the water might be a little cool but that only makes things more exciting. I've just been teased and tempted by my stupid calender in my room all winter which only has pictures of sailing on it.

Next year looks like its going to be hella cool. I visited TMAC in guidance and I'm taking Foods, Co-ed, Yearbook and American History. Joke. I'll drop Yearbook if need be. I don't need any extra stress. I'm le tired and want to go take a nap. I'll ya around.

Hope everybody had a good Easter weekend.

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