Jun 29, 2005 19:33
Greetings dear ones, guess what i found out in less than 50 minutes. Well, i am unable to get therapy at the present time because, the multiple sclerosis is sucking memory out of my brain cells..I slightly remembered why i came to see Dr. Al, last week, but, I couldn't remember in detail, any of the reasons why, or what I needed to tell him this week, and above all that I really could have cared less. Since i can't remember anything more than a hour at a time, and sometimes less than that, it is like being on a terrible merry go round that goes faster and faster and i want to get off and can't. Dr. Al, gave me the name of a good Nuerologist, who will evaluate me, and since if I can't remember, what i need to tell him Chuck will have to do it..isn't that grand?...well, we do, and i do, have copies, from long ago about all my doctor stuff, the records, who i saw, and when i saw, them, and also, we kept our m.r.i. xrays..lol..against great protest of the m.r.i. people..we paid, out of pocket for both of them over $5,000. you think we bought them? your darn tootin we did, so we kept them..they said we couldn't do that, they belonged to the clinic...yeah, right...anyway, that is the way it has been since i first had illness almost 40 years ago...and i am still having to keep more than ever diligent records of who, when where how much, what i took, and when i took it..etc etc etc...ad infinitum..but i do need an advocate, since my memory is going..and that will be chuck, and i am grateful...and that is that...i am at the mercy of the system, and my care is in the hands of my husband..
soooooo...that is the latest poop on the latest poop...I can't tell you how awful i feel, so i wont.
just have to die to get better....*sigh*...hope everbody, is feeling good, and looking forward to family and fourth of july celebrations...tell me about them..or write about them in journals so i can live vicariously..of course i will forget, by day after tomorrow, but, hey...oh i wrote down when i waas supposed to see dr. matthews..that will be the 18 of july, and dr. al, will be the 20th so i will be more and more drifting away, until then, i am barely hangin on now...hope i remember how to type and talk by then...hope i remember how to go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and take a shower, and put on foo foo, and get dressed, and not be mismatched and look like a homeless lady..or one of those ladies, who drool, because she doesn't have control over the sides of her mouth...
okay. that is my story, this is my plan, to do the best, that God has got planned..this is my story..just..holdin on...in the Lord's, Grace and hope i won't be gone...