Jan 21, 2004 12:07
Well here it is the 21st of January in the year of 2004.
The month is almost over but have a few things that i would like to pass along to you.
In this month there is one person that I would like for you to get to know. And that IS MY MOM. She would of been 88 yrs young.
She was born on January 27, 1916 to Bertha and Fred Lovewell, in Fayette, Maine. She lived on a farm and helped with the chores and played with her sister, whom later in life she and sis had a parting of the ways. So I never got the chance to meet her. Never really knew what the riff was but it must of been bad not for my Mom to get back together with her.
Mom married dad in Jan of the year 1945 or 46. not sure which one right off the top of my head. It really doesn't matter that much. In the year on 1949 she gave birth to me. And in 1952 gave birth to my sister Ruth. We were the only two that mom had. She was 34 or 35 when i was born, so i was a late in life kid.... oh but the love that she had for me and sis. also my Dad. She did alot of things that I wish that I could of done for my kids...... like make doll clothes for barbies, maked home made chocolate chip cookies, and lots of things that moms don't do any more. The meals that she cooked and most from Scratch. The flower garden that was her pride and joy. She just loved her violets, and pansies. She gave of he self so unshelflishy. Was always there for things at school as we were growing up. Oh when i had my kids she was so proud of them. She loved each one with all her heart the same as she did me. I wish that she was still here so that she could see her great grandchildren and see what both my kids have done. She would be so proud of both of them.
My MOm passed away on January 1,1982. and I miss her so much. We always talked , I never had any secrets from her. She was a mom that I could talk to abaout anything. She was my strong hold with my children as long as she was with us.
Oh how I wish that I could just pick up the phone and say HI MOM, ITS ME JUST WANTED TO CHAT Thats what i used to do until the Lord needed her up stairs now I guess that is what he is doing.
Well enough of that. Just wanted to talk to someone about my Mom. Thanks for listening to me.