
May 22, 2007 20:49

Argh, so my summer class started Monday! haha I thought it didn't start until the beginning of June, obviously I was wrong! So its a good thing my schedule at work is flexible and the manager probably loves that i'm cutting my hours.. but I have to work 5am-11am to get any hours there.. and then I have class 11:20-3:15.. it sucks. haha. It makes for a longgg longgg day.

On Monday.. my first day of class.. I worked 5am-11am.. then went to class 11:20-2 (it was a lab day so we got out a little early) and rode Sunbun and Tessa.. yeah.. that may not of been the best thing to do.. hah.. I was passed out.. I took a sleeping pill so I could get a good nights sleep, like a sound one.. it was Tylonol PM.. haha yeaaah can't say it doesn't work! Well I got a full 8 hours sleep.. woke up at 4:20.. hit snooze.. and either slept through snooze or turned the alarm off.. and then I woke up at 5:40 (Tech. i'm scheduled at 6am) I was like oh shit! Rolled out of bed, burshed my hair/teeth, through on my uniform and was out the door. So I ended up working 6-11.. so cut my hours by yet another hour! Argh.

So my summer class I should mention is Chem II.. haha yeah.. I struggled with Chem I class because I didn't liket the professor.. I tried so hard to focus.. but it was sooo boring.. I tried so hard to study.. didn't help.. don't know how I passed the class.. ANYWAY.. My Chem II teacher.. yeah the same as my Chem I teacher! ARGH, hopefully I'll do better this semester cuz the class is Monday-Thursday.. so I'll be there daily.. as opposed to Chem I which was only two nights a week. So we shall see.. I can't drop the class and hope for a better professor next spring.. (they only offer in Spring/Summer I) because I need this class to continue onto the courses I need for my bio major.. I need it for Organic I..and then Obviously I need Organic I before I can take Organic II.. and I need Chem II for Intro to Molecular and Cellular biology.. blah! So hopefully I do well.. atleast its only a month! ahh counting down the days..2 days down! only like 28 to go. =)
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