??Question for ya all????

Sep 21, 2007 12:03

I am just curious what you all think about this....

My family will be participating in a Mitochondrial walk on Sept 29th.  Meagan's Genetic disorder is a mitochondrial disorder.  All money will go towards research, cures & treatments of all mito disorders.  I am a carrier & Leah is also affected.  We still have 2 children left to test.  Sami is unaffected.  So....

I asked my pastor at my church if he would "advertise" Meagan's walk so that we could raise money to go towards the cause.  I gave him the pamphlet on Sunday.  He has the habit of not returning my calls when I ask him questions or he will say "let me think about it & I will get back to you" and he never does.  So since I haven't heard from him I called him today.  He told me NO that the church will not promote this.  That way too many people come to him for needs & he just can't do them.

So my question is.... Isn't that what the church is for?  To meet the needs of ALL members?  and Nonmembers if you think about it!  My "friend" who I just recently turned away from because she is now hanging around guys with guns & knives & doing meth just got money from the church so he obviously didn't turn her away.  so I am curious, am I missing something in the Bible?  Shouldn't he allow the members to be a blessing to us & to be blessed by giving???  I feel like I just got stabbed in the back by my own church.  He didn't give me ANY biblical standing on why he wasn't going to let me "advertise" in the bullitin.  He just said too many people come with too many needs.

Thanks for any input on this.....
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