1. Do you have a real or fake Christmas tree? ~ Fake and it was a big argument, so let's not go there.
2. Do you put up Christmas lights on the exterior of your home? ~ Yes!
And I almost broke my neck!
3. What's your favorite Christmas song/carol? ~ So This Is Christmas, John Lennon
4. What do you like better, turkey or ham? ~ Turkey
5. Do you open up any Christmas presents on Christmas Eve? ~ Yes. One pair of jammies each.
6. Have you ever been Christmas caroling? ~ Once and it was mortifying.
7. What was your most memorable Christmas gift(s) that you received? ~ Barbie Motorhome.
8. What's your favorite Christmas movie? ~ National Lampoon's Christmas
9. Have you ever built a real snowman? ~ Duh!
10. Have you ever peeked into a present and found out what it was before Christmas? ~ Duh!
11. What is on the top of your Christmas tree? ~ An angel that used to be John's Mom's.
12. Do you own a Santa hat? ~ I do.
13. When was the last time you had your picture taken with Santa Claus? ~ I don't think I ever have?
14. Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? ~ The kids are done, everyone else remains and I know there are 6 days to Christmas so shut up.
15. Do you put candy canes on your Christmas tree? ~ Yes.
16. Who is hardest person to buy for? ~ My Mom. She is a bit shallow about gifts.
17. Who is the easiest person to buy for? ~ The kids, Meghan specifically.
18. How old were you when you realized Santa was imaginary? ~ I can't remember now knowing he wasn't real so I had to be young.
19. What does your morning of Christmas routine consist of? ~ Get up, make coffee, gifts galore, breakfast, fight with John.
20. Egg nog? ~ BLECH!
21. What do you want for Christmas this year? ~ An imaginative thoughtful gift from John. Nothing expensive, just something to show he actually thought about it!