Yes, that is what you think it is. I am in shock, happy but truly dumbfounded. Those of you that read my journal regularly know we wanted a third baby but we weren't ready to do it quite yet. OHMIGOD! I have been off BCP since October at my dentist's recommendation. We have been very careful except for one night. I knew immediately. Really, the next day I looked at a calendar & realized we were smack in the middle of my very regular 28 day cycle. Chip says he knew too. It is almost creepy. I didn't say anything in here because I was so mentally drained about it. Anyhow I tested yesterday & the line came up immediatly. 24 hours later & my mind is still racing.
Don't get me wrong, we are happy & will love this baby so much but I am so, so stressed too. My biggest worry is that financially this is going to be very difficult for us. Our house is busting at the seams already & neither of our cars are big enough for 3 car seats. So much to think about that I can't even get my mind around it.
My due date should be mid-September & with my history I am guessing they will schedule a c-section for the beginning of Sept., right around Will's second birthday (and just 2 1/2 months after Alli turns 3). This will be it for us & I will have a tubal ligation at that time, we are so fertile Chip might get snipped too.
We won't tell anyone IRL until end of the first trimester & I seriously will need that long to process this so please bare with me as I probably fill my LJ with daily worry entries. This is huge.