May 08, 2012 00:42
Pictures, pictures...more pictures of us! new chapter in our lives begins soon...let us enjoy the end of this chapter with more memories and more pictures of travels together both outside among the stars and inside through the comfort of our imagination. These next few weeks make me restless with excitement. I have not felt so adventurous in a while. And I wish to document again. I wish to share my love, my wanderings, my contemplation for life with the world. Oh, how I've missed these simple pleasures before the coming of censure and criticism that drove me away. Oh, to be free again. To write freely what drives the fire inside. To show freely what incites passion within me from outside. To make those connections. Oh, yes. I will end this chapter, not with separation, but one that speaks fondly of union. Union of two. Union of many. Union of all things in this infinite universe.
I am molysaccharine. But bittersweet, I am no more.
I am a thinker. I am a dreamer. I am a changer. I am a traveler. I am a wisher. I am a volunteer. I am a teacher. I am a lover. I am a protector. I am a healer. I am a writer. I am a seeker. I am a runner. I am a pleaser. I am a believer. I am that you are.
You are a planner. You are a reader. You are a listener. You are a teacher. You are a nurturer. You are an empathizer. You are a lover. You are a protector. You are a healer. You are a writer. You are a monitor. You are a believer. You are that I am.
We are workers. We are believers. We are lovers. We are companions. We are gamers. We are partners. We are storytellers. We are challengers. We are providers. We are protectors. We are respecters. We are educators. We are learners. We are us.