Methylxanthines are weak systemic sympathomimetic agents with a narrow therapeutic window

Feb 18, 2010 04:38

 I've been going through an interesting change in my life.  I've been spending more time on Twitter, Blip.FM, Youtube, Gmail, and other social networking sites despite having resolved to quit Facebook.  I realize now that I should have more clear with my resolution and broaden it to include all social networking websites in general.   It's been a guilty pleasure that I have not been able to let go of.  I also haven't been eating very healthy lately.  I haven't been exercising regularly.  I haven't been sleeping for more than 4 hours at a time.  Minor cat naps scattered throughout the day have taken place of lengthy sleep requirements.   Interestingly, I've found that I become very productive at night and during the day (after I've had a high dose of coffee).

I know this can't be good for me in the long-run, but it's a cycle of habits that I have trapped myself into.  It's hard to break it.

I really want to sleep right now, but the thing is, I can't.  I have so much anxiety at the moment concerning "the 'B' word" and my upcoming final exams.  I've been in a slum lately.   Too overwhelmed.  Brain-fried.  I just want to sleep, but I can't.

Every time I decide to sleep, I start thinking about what I still need to do, and I get up and do some more reading.  If by chance I do get some sleep, it is most often unplanned.  I'll wake up with my head resting uncomfortably upon my books...the information attempting to flow into my brain via diffusion without avail.  I'll wake up confused and distraught...mostly pissed at myself for falling asleep when I still have so much to much to much to do.

My stomach growls at me, and I tell it to shut up because the noise is yet I am constantly distracting myself with this urge to socially interact with "people" on the internet.  My desires are twisted in turmoil, my motivation waxing and waning with every break and every breakthrough.

I think I'm balding.  I think the stress is finally getting to me.  I can see it.  The receding hairline.  Already?  No!  I can't let that happen now...not when I haven't even had a girlfriend yet.   But then again, who'd be interested in me?  I'm decaying from the inside, and now it is becoming apparent on the outside.  This information swells my head as my heart shrinks, my stomach growls, and my liver struggles to revitalize all that is being lost via the Cori cycle or some process by that matter, muscle deterioration or something or other.  It's hopeless, unless I dare become a renegade Time Lord and succumb to time travel and regeneration.  Ah, yes, that would be the life.   Alas, it is not my life.

So...this is what being a medical student is like.

Note to self:  Don't allow your future sons and/or daughters pursue medical school!!!

med school, life

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