April Update

May 02, 2009 09:19

 Hi Friends!

(Do I even have any friends?)  
(Oh no, Sachin, not this again!  You DO have friends!)
(Haha, just kidding, matey!)
(Arrrr, now you be talkin' like a pirate!)
(Um, you're also talking to yourself again)
(Oh, right, moving on...)

It's been so long since I updated on Livejournal!

(Although I've been thinking about moving back to xanga for good...)
(No!  Don't leave us!) 
(Yeah, that's not fair!  You're part of our community too now.  You can't just not update here anymore!)
(Friends don't suddenly stop talking to each other!  Keep updating here, old sport!)
(Yeah, we'll miss you if you leave now!)
(Whoa, ok, how many personalities do you have in there?  Snap out of it, Sachin!)
(Wha? Huh?  Oh, yeah, sorry!)

Anyways, I just thought I'd give a quick update on what's been going on with me in this month o' spring showers.   Haha, Spring...riiight.    If anything, the wonderful month of April started out with anything but Spring weather!  I believe it was snowing.  That was pretty messed up.  I can't thinking to myself, "Wow, we could sure go for some global WARMING right about now."    It took a while, but the weather has finally picked up and now it is absolutely amazing!!!  I love spring.  OH yes, I do!  My favorite season, and this isn't just because my birthday (along with numerous others' birthdays) happen to fall during spring.

Well ok, that IS actually a major reason.  My birthday wasn't anything extraordinary this year.  I have medical school to blame for that.  We've just always got an exam coming up, and time is, of course, so crucial for studying.  I didn't want to do anything for my birthday other than study and maybe have dinner with the family, but my roommate insisted that I do something.  So I ended up having lunch with a few friends at Olive Garden.  I am very grateful for those who were able to make it!    And of course, I love my family and really cherish the time we spend together (even though it hasn't been a whole lot due to school).

So yeah, I cannot think of anything else to update on for April.  It's funny how quickly time flies by when you're studying all the time.  I can hardly believe that in less than a month, I will be done with my first year of medical school.   While this is quite an accomplishment, I still cannot fathom that I have truly learned enough for half of the material I am expected to know for the boards next year.  How in the world does the human brain manage to retain so much information!?  Completely boggles my mind.   Well, I suppose I shall learn how memory works via my neuroscience class in a few days.  Until then, and even afterwards, I will continue to be amazed.

Now that summer is approaching, I am going to attempt to make a better effort to update more frequently.  Let's just hope research does not take up too much of my time during el verano.

(That's it, I guess)
(That was lame.  Nothing else exciting happened to you during this past month or so?)
(Shh, quiet you!  I gotta study!)
(Haha, I knew it!)
(Blah blah blah, are you still talking?)
(No, you're talking...to yourself...weirdo)
(I'm not Sachin, I'm Sychin!  Muahahahaha)
(Heroes is over.  Go study!)

birthday, update, studying, april, family, friends, medical school

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