Netstation on Radio this morning 10 am...don't forget to listen in!!

Jun 01, 2006 06:39

Just a reminder about Steve's radio appearance to promote BookCrossin is today (damn -  meant to post this last night!!).   It's on early at 10 am so do remember to listen in and send emails and stuff!   Listen live http:/www./

email Tim the producer
or email Annie the presenter

The Coventry BCers are a strange lot and have never even bothered listening to the show despite being able to tune in on a radio!  This time I've managed to drum up a little support and at one of them has arranged to phone in and at least one  other has emailed with some catches thank goodness!

Oh - and that sweetie producer Tim has promised to send me a CD of the BC Update so I can send a recording to
bookczuk cos 10 am here is middle of the night over there I understand!


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