new icon ahoy!

Aug 13, 2008 02:33

I just went through and deleted some icons. Ones I liked but I found I never used... that sort of thing. I keep a folder of icons I like that I might one day use so I uploaded a few more. Say hello to one of the few Twilight icons I found that I like. When I pick an icon from a movie or tv show it's usually because of the scene that it's in and since I haven't seen the movie yet it's hard for me to find an icon for it. Like my default right now is when Calcifer is moving the castle and he's all happy 'cause Sophie tells him he's a first class fire demon and she likes his spark. Back to issue at hand- this movie needs to come out so I can get some icons that make me happy, not just ones I'm sorta ok with. I'm really picky about my icons. I'm kinda a loser like that. Yeah, I know this information is vitally important to all of you living your days.

I was a bad vegan today. I had chocolate. I felt horrible. There is no other way to describe it. I immediately felt guilty and sick. At least I didn't throw up this time, that's what happened when I accidentally had chicken broth. I'm never doing that again.

I watched Hannibal Rising last night and I have to say this- if you loved the books and the movies as much as I did for the Hannibal series please don't watch this movie. The acting- bad. The progression of the "plot"- bad. The chemistry of the pseudo relationship- bad. I understand that people that are evil usually have a history behind their actions but the "bad guys" were, for lack of a better term, lame. Or maybe it was just the cast sucked. I've been hearing such hype about Gaspard Ulliel that I really wanted to see this and I was not impressed. While I am not denying the boy's hotness I think he might stick better to French films. I don't want to spoil too much for those who haven't seen it and may still want to but if people want to talk I'm open to comments.

I went to see The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 today with Maya. As usual for us we ended up having another of those serious life conversations you can only really have with someone who knows you that well and for that long. As usual I came away thinking more about my life. I love her :D

Oh, and the short hair is making me happy. I also love Blue Dog (the new ipod! yea!). Stupid as this sounds, the name helped with the love. And the movie/song triva games on it. Oh! And the clock. The clock is awesome 'cause now I don't look track of time when I'm jogging.

This post ended up being a lot longer than I thought it would be. Go figure.

veggies are our friends, ipod, movie, friends

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