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Aug 24, 2009 17:00

Neo app

Name/Nickname: Los
Journal: cellardoorsky
Email: cellardoorsky (at) gmail (dot) com
IMs (AIM/MSN/YIM): cellardoorsky on AIM
Timezone: GMT +8

Name: Gokudera Hayato
Age: 15
Series: Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Occupation: Concert pianist
Point of canon to be drawn in: Chapter 253
Preferred level: Elysium

Appearance: Middling height, kind of skinny. He has longish silvery hair that ends just before his shoulders, green eyes and a scowl-y face. His clothing of choice tends towards casual punk and a lot of accessories, usually metallic.

Personality: Gokudera is kind of tsundere, except the 'dere' part is displayed only to Tsuna, his beloved boss, and the 'tsun' is displayed to practically everyone else. Gokudera came to Japan from Italy at first to challenge Tsuna to his position as the tenth don of the Vongola family, but during the fight he loses control of his dynamite, and Tsuna, in his Dying Will mode, manages to put out every single one of the explosives, thus saving their lives. This in turn earns him Gokudera's undying loyalty and gratitude; from then on, Gokudera declares himself Tsuna's right-hand man, and never fails to be ridiculously cheerful and protective of Tsuna.

In the presence of others though, Gokudera reverts to a much less friendly persona. He's pretty much cool to a lot of people, not bothering to make friends or be nice in general- this earns him a group of fangirls in school, who all think that he's the epitome of the rebellious badass kid. With people he doesn't find annoying, he's more or less capable of carrying on civilised if clipped conversations with them, but with the people that he does find annoying (which is probably more than half the cast in KHR), Gokudera gets riled up easily and he doesn't hesitate to tell them to fuck off and be horrible to them.

Two good examples are Yamamoto and Ryohei, two of the other guardians; Gokudera regards Yamamoto as a threat to his position of 'right-hand man' at first, and he frequently plotted to somehow get rid of the other. He also calls him by a derogatory of 'baseball idiot' or some other derivative. Ryohei annoys Gokudera by virtue of being a super hyped up person who thinks that everything is 'EXTREME!'- because of this, Gokudera often snaps at him to shut up and has virtually no patience for the older boy. He calls Ryohei 'Lawnhead' in retaliation for him calling him 'Octopus-head'. Here, a trend of Gokudera giving derogatory or awful nicknames to people he dislikes is kind of obvious.

However despite all that, Gokudera's actually pretty smart for all that he has a foul mouth and a crappy attitude. He scores very well in school even though he doesn't usually pay attention, and if Tsuna and Yamamoto need help in their schoolwork, Gokudera's usually the one to tutor them. When they are transported to the future, Gokudera manages to figure out the Sistema C.A.I., a system of fast-changing weaponry devised by his future self that involves a complex network and sequence of differing flames that he has to use. However, Gokudera tends to take his intelligence to an incredible level of dorkiness; he frequently concentrates on something to the point of ignoring common sense or normal logic. In one episode, Tsuna needs to pass a swimming test, and instead of going the simple way around, Gokudera pulls out a huge blackboard out of nowhere and attempts to teach his boss the various angles that he should position his arms at and etc, when Tsuna probably doesn't even understand half of what he's saying.

It generally takes him a while to warm up to people, and for a very long time, the concept of teamwork is entirely alien to him. To Gokudera, what matters is that things get accomplished, especially when it concerns his boss, and it is not until the ring battles, when he almost loses his life, that he comes to realize that his own life is as important as accomplishing any goals that they might have; he emerges bloody and weak from the battlefield at the end of the fight, only to tell Tsuna that he gave up the ring so that he would be alive to watch fireworks with the rest of their friends again. This was one of the major turning points in his personality- it is the start of him melding into the group, and learning that he is not a lone wolf, although he has been forced to be one ever since he left his father's house at the age of eight.

The change still isn't all too obvious though, until he and Yamamoto go up against Gamma, a member of the Millefiore family, which has been on a killing spree against the Vongola family. He tells Yamamoto to stay out of it, that he can defeat Gamma on his own- Yamamoto gets angry here for once, and goes as far as to hit Gokudera. They get into an argument, but soon team up against the enemy- it works for a while, but they are eventually defeated. This is another important point for Gokudera, and another event which helps him to segue slowly into the idea of playing for a team rather than for himself, since after all, a right-hand man is supposed to keep the family running smoothly for his boss, and he can't do that if he treats himself as an individual unit.

Abilities: He is first and foremost smart- while he isn't a rocket scientist, he learns to figure things out really quickly, and his brains can be arguably his best ability, since without his smarts, he wouldn't be able to operate one of his best weapons, the Sistema CAI. Before he used the sistema though, his primary ability was with dynamite, even earning the name 'Smoking Bomb Hayato' for his profiency with them. Other abilities include talented piano-playing and incredible levels of dorkdom.

History: Gokudera was born to an important mafioso, and being the only son, one would have thought his life would be fine and dandy- except it wasn't, because his mother was the mistress of the mafioso. A talented pianist from Japan, Gokudera's mother fell in love with the mafioso and bore him a son whom she could not even acknowledge openly as illegitimate children were frowned upon in the mafia. However, since the man presumably wanted a son, Gokudera was accepted as the legal wife's son and treated as such. He has an older half-sister named Bianchi, who, even as she loves her half-brother wholeheartedly, likes to treat him as a guinea pig and feed him poisoned food. This leads to him developing a severe stomachache whenever he sees his older sister, frequently collapsing on the spot.

His time at his father's home came to an end when Gokudera turned eight; ever since he was three, he had never seen his mother again, and he never knew the reason. On that particular day however, he overheard gossip that his mother had died in a so-called accident. She had been driving up to the mansion to celebrate his third birthday, but she never arrived, and the site of her accident held tire-marks, skidding over to the edge of the cliff where she disappeared. Gokudera was so upset by this news that he ran away from home, and thereafter began trying to find a place in another mafia family, hoping to be strong. However, none of the families wanted a "half-breed pianist", and he became a lone wolf. That is, until Reborn writes to him from Japan and asks him to test the Vongola Tenth.

False memories: The only son of a mob leader, Gokudera never had interest in the mafia aside from the people he occasionally met in there. Growing up, he was exceptional in his studies, though he paid no mind to it. The only thing that really captured his attention was the piano, and from a very young age, he'd been practising, daily. He doesn't know why it holds such an attraction for him really, except sometimes, he thinks he can remember soft hands over his own, guiding him gently up and down arpeggios, and even a fleeting scent of lavender. But he doesn't remember more than that; his father's legal wife had his mother murdered when he was three, and he never realized that. All that Gokudera knows is that she once existed, and that she has left him.

Nevertheless, no matter the reason, Gokudera rose to become one of the rising stars of the music world, helped in part by his father's influence within the mafia; his father didn't want him to remain a pianist forever, he had to help out in the 'family business' from time to time, a duty which he sneers at, but does anyway, in order to keep his beloved piano at his side. Still, growing up around the mafia had its edges- Gokudera doesn't bat an eyelid when violence erupts in front of him- he's frequently in the fray himself, and even onstage, the critics draw him out as a rough-edged boy with raw violence in his music.

Sample journal posts: Wish they'd stop being a pain in the ass with all the logistics. It's one guy and a piano, and they're still fussing about it. How hard can it be? Put the goddamned piano in the centre, and a bench in front of it, and train the stupid spotlight on it. As for the seats- well, fuck them, people will still come and watch anyway.

... Need a fucking smoke. Morons are stressing me out.

Sample role-playing post: His father had called him in again, this time to watch a negotiation with a rival gang. He snorted- these things were ever rarely the civilized discussions his father hoped to paint them as. At the age of twelve, he'd witnessed his first murder, and now at the age of fifteen, this meeting would likely show him his fifty-third. No other pianist got this crap, he bet, as he settled down in the empty room and waited for the participants to arrive, a cigarette appearing between his thin and elegant fingers. Which other pianist would have to give up rehearsal time for a concert that was going to open in two weeks just to accomodate some stupid gang meeting?

The first curl of smoke had barely risen in the air when his father opened the door- and paused, eyes narrowing. Gokudera wasn't supposed to be here, he knew, he was supposed to meet his father outside, but really. Fuck that crap. Gokudera knew when it was safe, and when it wasn't, and he shrugged to let the old man know he wasn't going to listen to any tirade that he would hurl. Shaking his head, the mafioso took his own seat on the side of the table Gokudera was at.

"I have a concert to get back to," he said, scowling, and his father leaned back in the chair, entirely unimpressed with his demeanour.

"Well, too bad. The money funding that concert is coming from the deal today," he said, and Gokudera sat up straight, eyes narrowing even further as he restrained himself from smacking that self-satisfied look off his father's face.


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