Jan 02, 2009 20:52
2008 sucked. Plain and simple. I could go into great detail explaining how fucked up this year was, but I won't. Mainly though lots of things happened in 2008 that were a result of decisions I made in 2007, so it is mostly my fault. However there were other things, beyond my control, that also caused this year to blow.
That being said there were a few good things about this year, and now I feel I am on a track to make 2009 kick ass. The first few months of 2009 may continue to be meh...but hopefully by spring or summer, things should be alot better.
One of the awesome things about 2008 was all the different music I listened to, including alot of new bands that I discovered and even old gems that I didn't know about before.
Currently I am going back over some of the albums I bought/downloaded/listened to and coming up (though it may take a while) I'll have Ray's top 10 of 2008, so stay tuned.
If you think there's an album that I missed or one that you think I just have to listen to, leave a comment and I'll give it my ear. Who knows, maybe I'll be surprised and it will make my list.
Just for clarification though, it has to be an album or an EP that was released in 2008. No live albums, no remixes, no re-issues.
I hope 2009 rocks for everybody.