Broke into apartment?

Jun 27, 2008 10:42

My neighbors are setting off fireworks...makes we wish that I had a good ol' fashioned pack of bottle rockets. I have a bottle of chlorine cleaner...a bottle of laundry bottles of rockets. I don't know if my mother is coming to visit for the 4th or not. I enjoy showing off our lovely apartment, but I don't know if I want to see her again quite yet. Of all of my family, she has acted the weirdest around Cody and I since the wedding. I think it's because she is a sap...sentimental. Everyone else is like, "cool." Then it's back to business. But not her. I wish Dad would visit instead. I wonder if he knows this.

On that note, I am going to see my father on Monday. I am actually going to see my grandmother, who is visiting my family in Indy on Monday; but it works out to the same thing. She was not able to attend the wedding, for work came up at the last minute, and she was quite upset. Thus, it would be good to see her. Alas, Cody must work. But I can go, so I shall.

Friday is cleaning day, at least until I find a job. Oh, elusive job, where could you possibly be? What's that, you say? In the deep wells of economic stagnation and despair? Alas, I cannot reach you there.

Laundry is expensive as hell. I am thinking about converting to nudism. Damn.

We're not sure what we are going to do this weekend. I kind of want to go camping. Cody does not agree. Maybe we'll get drunk and wander around the backyard of the complex instead. I wonder if they would let us pitch a tent back there?

I am attempting to learn how to cook. Thus far...70 percent successful. I did discover a recipe for the most delicious hamburgers known to humanity. Thyme, oregano, dijon mustard, salt. pepper, and garlic. Oh sweet heaven. The only thing is that I have to mix that stuff into the meat with my hands. I hate touching raw meat. Yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck. But it's worth it. Nom nom nom.

It's raining!
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