I thought pictures do speak louder than words, or at least they complement each other. Nowadays words don't exactly sufficient to express myself. So probably my desktop will do better.
Yes, my desktop. I think after all these years blogging, it is time to introduce her. Not that i have had her all this time. There used to be Macdrop and 2 other Maclettes.
But, they are another story.
Call me a computer geek but my 15-inch 2.5 intel core 2 duo macbook pro is my unconditional best friend. Just updated her icons, wallpaper and docks.
Just sent some wallpapers to my mobile phone via bluetooth and that's why the bluetooth icon is on the dock. Usually it's just the finder, dashboard (only because the icon matched :p), address book, safari, adium, ical, mail and the stacks to access all the others.
Just look at her. Just couldn't love her more.