Deux jours jusqu'à ce que je revienne à ma maison!
Y'all are tied with the Xangans. 6-6
Yesterday was nice, somewhat. I was really sick for his of is. Like I seriously thought I was going to have to go to the hospital. I took Imitrex (sp?) while I had Nyquil in me. Never ever do that. My head was PULSATING. it was the craziest thing ever. But yeah. I came back and tried to find someone to bribe to sign me in for Bib Theo so I didn't have to go.. then
Jason asked me to go have a note passing party with him, so I went. haha. Class never went by as fast as it did yesterday. We should do that more often. Slept through lunch, took my LOC test (Which I think I did EXCELLENT on).. then went to dinner. Gross times fifty. Anytime the school has chinese food, its really just left over chicken, rice and cold stir fry. Its disgusting. I had a bowl of pears. And got to hang out with
Ken a lot. I was happy. I miss him bunches.
I do have one little prayer request. For the past three days, I haven't been able to eat anything. I mean, I can, but I end up throwing it up (one way or another) and.. yeah. It sucks. I'm pretty hungry. heh. I'm trying to take down a poptart right now. Hopefully it doesn't make me sick because I have a test and then SALT. Soo yeah.
That is all.
<3sierra ann