Spare the rod...

Oct 15, 2010 23:21

...spoil the hatemonger.

This is the adult equivalent of watching your cousin purposely break fragile things in the house, and to get him to stop, your mom offers him ice cream. you sit there, obedient, tantrum-less, refraining from bad behavior... in front of a plate of peas.
The kind from a can. That have been overcooked.
So you silently seethe as your cousin gets the last of your butter pecan, while you are sucking down mushy peas.

Mind you, I do not blame the car dealer at all. I don't.
This was a desperate situation and he offered what he could to defuse it.
And I don't care if Jones says he's donating the car to someone else.

That donation will make him look like he's being generous, like he's the good guy.
I am tired of hearing about people being rewarded for bad behavior.

I won't take it from my 3 year old. Why should grown-ass people be exempt?

10 pounds of stupid in a 5-pound bag, don't get me started, are you freaking kidding me?!, stupidity

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