I'm stunned.

Feb 26, 2009 09:50


Religious leaders are divided on this.
Why are religious leaders in Arkansas even debating this amongst each other?!
Why... just why?!

The bill's sponsor, Rep. Beverly Pyle, R-Cedarville, told the panel after the vote that she may try again with the proposal.
"This is not a gun question, it is a question of religious freedom," Pyle said.

No, I'm pretty sure this is a gun question.

How, in the name of all that is holy does not being allowed to carry a concealed weapon in church infringe on your religious rights?
I gotta know. Please someone enlighten me on this one.
I'm serious. I would like someone to tell me exactly how one's right to worship is at risk if they can't carry their Glock to fellowship.

If your church is that rough, perhaps another house of worship is the answer, rather than coming to prayer service STRAPPED!

But this scared me just a little bit more.
Grant Exton, the executive director of the Arkansas Concealed Carry Association, said of 48 states that allow concealed carry permits, 42 let churches make the decision to ban or allow firearms.

Is this true?
I was unaware that this was business as usual.
I could have been going to church next to some knucklehead who's carrying all this time.
My life and my family's life in danger, without me knowing it. In church!!
This is craziness to me!
I've always looked at church as a sanctuary, where one looks for and can find peace.
I don't know if I can find peace when the slightly creepy dude in the back pew is carrying a piece.
I'm worried. So very worried.

dumbass, religion, what the hell?!

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