Workin' my nerves

Jun 12, 2008 12:48

So, remember a couple of weeks ago, I was irritated about the guy in Georgia selling the racist Obama shirts?

Yeah, well somebody needed to take it further, 'cause you know, you can't just have the t-shirt.
You got to have the doll to go with it.
The Sock Obama, it's called. I will not post the address or any of that, because I will not help these racist, opportunist motherfuckers earn one more site hit or one more penny!

I will give them no more attention than this: Binkley Custom Products is the name of the company that produces these.
Apparently, they also manufacture other plush toys.

As of now, I will check the tag on each and every one of my son's toys. Binkley ain't getting cent one out of me.
I am so SICK TO DEATH of people telling me the only racism in this kind of crap is what I bring to it.
Are seriously telling me that this depiction of a Black presidential candidate is in no way part of a prejudice and ignorance that permeates this country's history? And the stench continues to this very day?
Are you really going to sit there and tell me that this is, in no way, a ploy to demean and dehumanize him?!

The association of Black men with monkeys in America has been going on for centuries!!
I do not believe these... people have no idea of the history that has. You are so fucking full of it.

And in no way is this some kind of, "Aren't we all derived from primates" thing.
We all are, but some people tend to conveniently forget that.

Some idiotic son-of-a-bitch (troll or not, I don't care) posted this question in a scientific forum.
Don't want to click? I'll tell you what the question is anyway.

Isn't it possible black men evolved from monkeys and white man evolved from black man?
making whites further up on the evolutionary chain, thus smarter?

Well considering that you've just asked the single-most ignorant question on the internet, I'm going to say NO, it's not possible.
Because arrogant, sub-moronic BONEHEADS like you are STILL looking for a way to historically, factually, scientifically claim superiority over black people.
Shove your privileged head up your equally privileged ass and rot there.
I don't think you evolved from monkeys, dick.
Hell, I'm not sure you've evolved from snail secretions!

This is the kind of crap that's going to show its face more and more over the next few months and possibly years if history is changed. Big IF.

I'm still waiting for them to market the Dubya monkey doll and don't tell me dude doesn't look like Lancelot Link.


I will say no more on this.

EDIT: So I've been thinking about this.
If it's okay for these guys to make a profit on this, why can't we?
Who knows how to make sock monkeys?
I say we make a ton of them, all with a startling resemblance to President Monkeyboy.
We push them on the internet to give as gifts, just in time for the national holiday known as "Dubya's last day in office."
And 10% of the profits would go to Obama's campaign.

rage, prejudice, race, stupidity

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