Jan 01, 2005 17:57
Happy New Year!
Last night wasn't quite as exciting as hoped for, but it was fun and special nonetheless. I had dinner with my family, then Todd and I went to Josh Gustafson's for a while. Then the three of us went to Tiana's party. There was a big bonfire but not too many kids our age there- so we hung out and watched movies and stuff for a while, then headed out at about 11:30. We dropped Josh at home cuz he was bored and tired, then went up to the bench at Panorama Heights. If you've been their before you know that it looks out on all the cities for like 50 miles around, and we watched the massive amounts of fireworks explode at midnight. how cute is that??? lol
Now its back to homework... i soooo don't want to go back to school on Monday! Why cant breaks last forever!!