Oct 29, 2003 17:54
I had my first midterm for graduate school today. It was insanely hard, but hopefully I did ok. This week is a bit nuts. I've got midterms. J and I are moving on Saturday and it's Halloween! I love Halloween, but I've got so much going on that I haven't really gotten into the spirit. I went to a pumpkin carving party on Sunday night. That was super fun.
Time seems to be going by so fast. My quarter is already half way done. My father will be coming to visit in four weeks for Thanksgiving and then J and I will leave two weeks after that for Christmas on the East Coast. Before long it will be 2004! That's crazy. I was reading over Nikki, Jenny, and Diego's journals and was surprised by how fast things change. There's no way to slow time, but I guess you just need to do what you want to do in the time you have.
Tonight all I want to do is sleep, but I need to pack. Maybe that's why I procrastinating instead of being productive. I guess it's time to start getting stuff done, or maybe I'll just call some friends instead!