Aug 29, 2008 12:18
So I'm putting together a playlist for the Closer to Fine show tonite - the feminist/queer art show Melanie and Nora set up for their Women's Studies thesis. This is the show that I did the Phyllis n Del screenprint for. The one that was giving me major issues a month ago. The one that I researched and immersed myself in for weeks.
Anyway, I'm working on the playlist, listening to lots of queerish music and feeling happy and excited for the show this evening, and Melanie texts me that DEL MARTIN DIED THIS WEEK. I was listening to the Sarah Dougher song "The Day that Bella Abzug Died" at that exact moment, as I googled Del so I could find out all the details. It's a little spooky the way everything kind of happened all at once with my quick and very intense relationship with Del. I didn't even know who she was a few months ago, then I found out about her and Phyllis, and fell in love with them, and made out with them everyday for weeks, and today she's dead. she's fucking dead. I feel like people must have felt when JFK died, or on 9/11. I know i'll remember this moment forever.
Melanie said she wants to dedicate the show tonite to Del.
I know this is kind of cheesy. I'm gonna do it anyway.
Thanks Del. Bye.