
Jan 29, 2004 12:10

Whoa, dudes.

I know it's gauche to talk about the comment/friends count - I once had a Gilderoy-Lockhart-wanna-be email me out of the blue to advise me how to handle my LJ "fame", such as it was, and one of their big rules was never to comment on how popular you are - but I have to say:
Those 250+ comments? And 150+ new friends? In the last 24 hours? Yeah, they're kinda freaking me out.

That was fast, you guys. Wildfire. Smallpox. Rabbits. Chain reactions of unstable radioactive elements. You know: it was like those. Even the condensed parody scripts didn't get spread around so fast. (See here, to read those, just so I don't have to answer the same question over and over - "What are the condensed parody scripts?") I suppose it's because that little Onionesque article was much shorter than the scripts, and therefore easier to read and pass around.

Ironic, isn't it? The scripts took so much more work - weeks, each - whereas I dashed off that thing in an hour; yet it's the one to get the unprecedented amount of attention. Appreciation is not directly proportional to effort, in case you were wondering. (And of course my novels took longest of all to write, but nobody ever emails me about them.)

Right. So, carry on. Nice mob. Niiiice mob...
(*feeling around behind her for chocolates to throw, hoping it will pacify them while they gather and demand, "Say something funny!! Do another one!!"*)

P.S. Other important questions for the FAQ:
Q: Can I friend you?
A: Yes. It says so in my userinfo. Knock yourself out.
[Edit: I didn't mean that any of you had to defend your decision to friend me, you silly kids. I was only trying to tell you that I'm not one of those LJ'ers who requires that you ask permission. Goodness, is there anything I can say that won't generate huge amounts of discussion?] :)

Q: What novels?
A: Well, there's actually only one published at the moment, and it's at Scheherazade Tales - under Molly J. Ringle. Stay posted for the next ten years or so in the hopes of seeing others.

[And another edit: I'm happy that you're all here. I was merely awed, humbled, and mildly freaked out by how fast it happened!]

lj business, fandom wank

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